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Month: March 2024


Domain Investing and… Stoicism?

The ancient philosophy of Stoicism provides a surprisingly relevant compass for domainers if you think about it with an open mind. Originating from the Hellenistic period in the 3rd century BC, Stoicism teaches the virtue of wisdom, the pursuit of ethical ideals, and, most importantly, the importance of understanding what is within our control. For domain name investors, the Stoic philosophy can offer a grounded perspective in an industry known for its volatility and unpredictability.…

Owning for $500?!?

Now there’s a headline that makes your heart pound! Those who watch DomainSherpa videos, more specifically their most recent one, will know exactly what I am referring to: the fact that it’s possible to own a percentage of, as long as you purchase what seems to be their minimum of 25 shares at a $500 grand total. I follow Andrew Rosener on Twitter/X and according to a tweet he’s published less than an hour…

Do You Have Decent *Tangible* Asset Exposure?

Those like yours truly, who live on “the internets” and obviously understand the value of digital assets, should not dare look down upon the physical world. And let’s face it, the perspective of the average internet person (from IT employees to online entrepreneurs and investors) is oftentimes delusionally biased toward the online dimension. A false sense of superiority takes over. And an equally false dichotomy emerges, with you believing you have to pick a side:…

“Domaining Is Dead” – AI Edition

Spoiler: it’s not. On the contrary, perhaps, as I will try to explain throughout this article. And I will start with my main worry: the fact that more and more, our experience on this planet is becoming dependent on an ever-decreasing number of mega-corporations. Consolidation of power and resources on steroids. On the surface, this statement might seem ludicrous. After all, we have so many choices nowadays that it becomes downright overwhelming. What to watch…

Why Most Domain Investors (Especially Flippers) Are Bad Developers

… or why a skill set that enabled you to succeed at one type of activity is more of a disadvantage for another. If there is one idea my recent journey reinforced, it’s that the average domain investor tends to approach Web development with an unrealistic attitude. Right off the bat, I’m not saying this to be “edgy” or criticize. I’m merely explaining a phenomenon I have come across in this industry for over…

Hype vs. Legitimate Disruption: Thoughts on AI, Domain Names and Real-World Potential/Limitations

Want to start my journey by putting a perspective on AI that I hope you will find interesting on the table, as there seems to be a fair bit of interest in this direction… for obvious reasons. My perspective, as someone who: Runs, where we leverage the best of what genAI has to offer so as to turn great domains like into sites with thousands of articles Is no stranger to domain…