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Category: Economics


The Opportunity Cost Principle… and Domaining

Domaining, much like any other form of investment, involves crucial decision-making that can significantly affect potential returns. An essential economic concept that can guide investors in making these decisions is opportunity cost. Understanding opportunity cost can help domain investors optimize their strategies and enhance their investment outcomes. Opportunity cost is a fundamental economic principle that refers to the cost of choosing one alternative over others. In simple terms, it represents the benefits an investor misses…

Scarcity in the Context of Domaining

Scarcity is a fundamental economic principle that impacts pricing and investment decisions across various markets. In the domain space, understanding and strategically applying the concept of scarcity can profoundly influence success. Domain names are unique by nature; once a domain is registered, it cannot be owned by anyone else unless the owner decides to sell it. This inherent scarcity can make certain domains extremely valuable. Let’s start with a few words about the term. Scarcity,…