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Owning for $500?!?

Now there’s a headline that makes your heart pound! Those who watch DomainSherpa videos, more specifically their most recent one, will know exactly what I am referring to: the fact that it’s possible to own a percentage of, as long as you purchase what seems to be their minimum of 25 shares at a $500 grand total.

I follow Andrew Rosener on Twitter/X and according to a tweet he’s published less than an hour ago, it’s possible to own a piece of as of today, with full details being available on the landing page.

The idea of owning shares in a name such as is quite appealing, even if it provides less control than simply buying a domain and managing it yourself.

However, let’s face it, what do beginners who want to invest $500 in domains oftentimes end up buying?

Not exactly the best assets.

So instead of wasting $500 on 50 domains and dropping all of them come renewal time, perhaps allocating that money toward owning a piece of one of the best domains in the world wouldn’t be an awful idea.

At the end of the day, the fact that additional options exist in the digital asset space represents good news in my opinion. Especially if said options involve assets that nobody doubts represent the best of the best.

If you can only afford to invest $500 for the time being, I don’t see why this offer wouldn’t make sense.

If you have $25,000 – $50,000 instead, maybe you’ll want to buy a yourself if you find something interesting.

What matters is that good options exist. Whether they represent the best choice for your needs at this particular point in time is for you to determine but at the risk of sounding like Yogi Berra: having options is better than not having options. That is all.

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