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The Top Mistakes Domainers Who (Try to) Develop Make

Had a really interesting livestream chat with’s Helmuts Meskonis on Monday about what I consider to be the top mistakes domainers tend to make after over a decade of experience in the domain space. The conversation had a nice flow, which is why the chat was extended beyond the time we originally had in mind for it, a very good thing because it enabled us to dig quite deep.

Fortunately, the discussion has been published on the DNForum YouTube channel, so those of you who want to check it out can do so below:

When discussing my development service, I offered two types of discounts to his audience: 30-50% off all “From A to Z” packages (design + content, in other words) and 50% off for two “Content Only” packages (for those who already have a WordPress website and therefore do not need design services). I offer the same discounts to you guys on my blog, discounts you can check out by clicking HERE.

We also chatted a fair bit about what AI represents in terms of actual (beyond hype) impact and what it does NOT represent. Suffice it to say that yes, people should be afraid about losing their jobs but no, not because robots will be taking over… it’s a lot more nuanced than that but once you listen to my arguments, I think you will agree with the perspective I have shared.

All in all, if you have at least considered developing one of your domains over the years, the discussion should provide more than a few nuggets of (hopefully) wisdom about Web development in general and especially Web development as it pertains to our industry… including controversial statements of mine such as the fact that mass development is not a viable solution: development should involve a few domains at most, not your entire portfolio, a view I’ve held for over 10 years and not even AI has fundamentally changed it.

Anyway, enough rambling, hope you’ll enjoy the video! 🙂

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