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Why Retail Trading Is a Scam

Since domaining has to do with “making money on the interwebz”, it should come as no surprise that the allure of trading riches got to domain investors as well, oftentimes leading to not just financial but also personal ruin.

Just like gambling.

That’s why, as many of you know, I am trying to promote my non-profit initiative as best I can.

In a nutshell, is an open letter to the internet which explains, in great detail and using not just text but also One Minute Economics animations, why trading is just as dangerous as gambling… if not more, given how poorly understood the phenomenon is.

Today, I’ve published a fairly direct/aggressive video on my One Minute Economics YouTube channel entitled “Why Trading Is a Scam Explained in One Minute” that you can check out below:

Please take a look and if you resonate with the message, I would really appreciate it if you could spread the word about the video in question as well as my website.

Hard to make a difference as a one man show, so any and all exposure/help would be greatly appreciated. If you want to reach out, send an email to and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Please don’t assume your audience is too small and it’s all pointless, I promise that is not the case. Even if huge players are funding the exact opposite side, let’s try to make a difference!

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